Tuesday, April 24, 2012

nick and deb

Wow. It's been CRAZY over here in Logan! 

Biggest news for us is that Claire was referred to the ENT for her 5th ear infection in 4 months. The doc said that because of her history with JRA, that STREP infections usually are the catalyst to the disease lapsing out of remission. He recommended that we have ear tubes put in, tonsils and adenoids taken out. Scheduled for May 3rd. 

Matthew's health update is that his labs showed that he isn't allergic to any commonly found allergens (peanuts, pollen, mold, etc), his white blood count is normal, but his breathing drops in to the 80's when he slept with the oxometer (measures the level of oxygen in the blood). It is obvious he has sleep apnia, but how and why in a 1 year old? Unknown. We were referred to the Pediatric ENT at Primary Children's Hospital in SLC. Ironically, he drew the conclussion that he also needs his ear tubes replaced (the first have been clogged he suspects since October), adenoids and tonsils out with a scope down his larynx while he's already under just to make sure he didn't miss anything. Scheduled for May 7th. This in kiddos so young mean overnight stays to make sure there aren't any bleeding problems or other issues.

So, I finally got on the bandwagon that this all (my kiddos medical junk) might have an environmental problem, so we checked for radon...It's significantly higher than it should be. It gets worse at night (normal house level is 1.3. Scary levels that recommend immediate renovations to fix them are at 4. We are at a 3.6 in the basement). I don't know if this has been the problem all along, but we're still looking. Gotta keep these kiddos healthy! 

Claire is crazy funny. Wow, they say the Terrible 2's are hard, but I think it's the 3's! She's almost done. things have been so much better. I have been more patient and it makes all the difference. Wow. Matthew is Hilarious. We went to Bear Lake on a drive yesterday and Claire was able to put her feet in HER lake (we call her Bear). So, Nick found Chunky Monkey's fun location in Park City. We want to go visit one day. We love our monsters! 

Hope you are all well. 

-nick, deb, claire and matthew

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