Tuesday, April 3, 2012

bill and rosi

Hello Family,

We hope that you children have had a good week and that today has been a good one for you.  We have been in touch with a few of you and appreciate hearing from you.  

It has been an up and down week for me personally.  Interesting how an almost 66 year old woman cannot maintain a steady emotion pace, questioning her merit and value.   My good friend, Donna, who assists me at the high school, told me a little story about faith.  She said a little bird had the courage and faith to step out on a weak limb of tree. Just as the limb broke the bird took flight.  After battling with crazy, weak thoughts all week I have decided a few things. Most important is that I need to be positive (which is directly tied to faith).  I have not nurtured that enough in my life.  The other thing that I would like to do is LAUGH MORE.  It has never been a habit of mine to laugh.  It will be a real effort for me to change long based habits.  Wish me luck.

Nick and Deb came down this weekend and installed our new washer and dryer.  Getting the appliances here was yet another story.  Bill made two trips to Logan and brought one appliance down in each trip.  Now we have a wonderful new clothes washer and dryer.  Our's were over 22 years old.  They needed a rest.  Deb was also able to pass the old appliances on to people who needed them.  It worked out well.  Thanks, Nick and Deb, for helping us out and spending some time with us.  We all went to Luke's house today for a yummy turkey dinner.  mmmmmmm  Parker is growing, growing.  She smiles and coos at her Momma.

Yesterday Deb, Amy and I went to Laurel Bulloch's bridal shower.  She is marrying Joan Nielsen's (she lived on GrandView Hill) grandson, Jordan Johnson from Las Vegas.  Ben, you might remember that Joan is Ben Nielsen's mom.  We had a very nice visit.  She was there with her blonde daughters and their blonde daughters.  It was certainly a blonde night.  The shower was at Linc and Jenn Clifford's new home.  Wow, what a spread.  I had a nice visit with Susanne, Rhonda, Mandy and Lindsay. 

I told you all that Dixie was not feeling well.  On her 3rd doctor visit they discovered that she had shingles.  She told me I should get a chicken pox immunization as that prevents shingles.  So when I went to the doc this week for a routine visit I came away with a chicken pox immunization in one arm and a pneumonia shot in the other.  That night I rolled over in bed on to the "pneumonia arm" and it killed me.  It felt like I had a large brick in between my bone and my skin.  Look out for the Pneumonia Shots, people, they HURT.

In the last two hours, Dad was not able to find our remote for the downstairs TV.  He and I went through the sofas, pulled up pillow, turned over sofas, checked in all the rooms downstairs, tried to reach Nick and Deb to see if they knew where it was.  When we finally got in contact with them, they had no idea, so Big Bill and I started the search again.  Before checking garbage cans and going through the toys again, we decided to once again tip over the sofas.  Last sofa, heard noise--like something falling and Big Bill got his hound dog noise out.  He had to rip off the velcro backing on the sofas and dig not just between or under but actually right inside the chair.  HE FOUND IT!!  We were really lucky as it could easily have never been found.  Hurray, Big Bill.

Well, nothing has changed.  We still love everyone of you with all of our hearts.

Have a great week and please give our grandbabies an hello and a hug for us.   Tamme, we will all be praying for you that this ordeal will soon be over and little "Sue" will be in your arms.  Marlies, remind us of when Roderick's graduation is, please.

Mommacita Rosi

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