Tuesday, February 22, 2011

nick and deb sorensen


has been battling sickness and junk still. It seems never ending, and I guess it is. He was running 103 fever for a few days, but doc couldn't find a great reason but I did get chastised a bit for not bringing him in sooner.
I don't know what to say about him besides that he's adorable. Nick has found out that whenever you open your eyeballs really wide at him, he starts to giggle. If you shake your head from side to side, he starts to giggle. If Claire is within reach, the kid totally attacks her! Pulls her hair, clothes, whatever to get more of her. She's going to be in trouble when he can crawl over to her and pound her into the ground!


LOVES everyone and everything. Is doing such a great job being a helper and big sister. She bosses everyone around, even me. She is constantly asking for food and that is okay with me because she has really started to EAT! I developed a thing lately because I was so tired of wrestling with her to eat and eating became my least patient time of the day. Tears were common (claire) and anger eminent (deb). So, finally I decided to let her choose how much to eat and what was on her plate was the only thing she was allowed to eat. As soon as she said she was all done, I let her be but then I wouldn't feed her until the next meal AT ALL! and the first few days I wasn't in positions to allow her to eat any sooner than breakfast at 8 amish and then lunch at almost 2! She was so hungry that she'd eat whatever I gave her. Now, it's not perfect but we are both so much happier! HURRAY!

She is still in pull ups and I feel like it's going to be until the end of time. She's so hit or miss with it. 3 days in a row she'll be GREAT and she'll be in panties the whole time. Then on the 4th day she won't pee in the toilet once, but will wet her pants all day long. Finally we'll just put her back in pull ups because I'm tired of trying to not yell, spank, etc. (which does happen at times...HELP MOMS!)

Yesterday was a day off for Nick. After baths/showers, Nick laid on the bed with a crying Matthew, gave him his sucker (pacifier) and a blanket and just held him. Matthew reached up and rubbed his daddy's whiskers and loved every minute of it. Claire watched and decided she wanted a turn when Nick put Matthew to bed. She sat still for 5 WHOLE MINUTES! very impressive.

We've started to call Claire, Miss Bare for 2 reasons: 1-Claire Bear shortened kinda name. 2- she loves to be naked...specifically when others are around. We had a house guest for three days this last weekend (JT Tullis) and she wanted so much to be naked all the time.


Starts his new job officially on March 1st, but has really already begun the enormous work load. We are so blessed with this job change. It'll be something so hard and so new to him, but he's always so good about digging right in. His boss is retiring April 1st and has really set Nick up more than we could have ever dreamed. I cannot explain the blessings we've received for his hard work and God's love.


I've just finished helping Rosi's concert last weekend. I was so sad that all of you couldn't have come. Mom really has vision. I didn't get to spend as much time as I have in the past and this wasn't Rosi's bestest ever fund raising concert (maybe because I wasn't there for six weeks...only for 2...ha ha ha), but it was still phenomenal. I've also been working on a CD for Dixie's American Mother's thingy. Been interesting and definitely a lot more work than I would have liked. But it'll be in the mail tomorrow and I'll be able to let a lot of things rest. I've been battling a cold and the stress level will help fight that more than almost anything, I'm sure.

I miss you all so much. I've been praying for you, thinking about you. Be safe, happy, healthy.

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