Wednesday, February 23, 2011

ben and tamme mathews

The Texas Mathews are fat and happy. Well not all are fat, but all are happy.

Kloey is on the 4th installment of the Percy Jackson series. The last one took her 6 days to read. I had a meeting with her teacher and she told me that whenever there is free time in class, Kloey always asks to read. She also told me that Kloey is reading at a 4th grade level. I am grateful she loves to read. At pickup one day her 1st grade teacher said, "every time I see her, her book is bigger." She is in basketball (which she doesn't really like) and in her last game she scored 2 points. Her coach also put her on the tallest girl on the other team and she did a great job defending her. Kloey will be turning eight next month and she is really excited to have her big birthday party.

Kael is one silly boy. He just loves to make people laugh. I think he is the class clown at school. He really loves to play sports. Now that the weather is nicer, he spends most of his time outside, either shooting baskets or playing football. Every now and then Kloey will join him, but he is mostly out there by himself. I love watching him run plays and dodge imaginary players. He is excited to play baseball in the spring.

Galilee is a hoot. The other night after a bath she tooted while she was still naked. She was shocked and was bending over trying to see what happened and where it came from. Kael and I just laughed at her. I wish I could understand her more, but it doesn't stop her from talking. She is a chatterbox. She is really into her princess shoes and playing the "chicken game" on Ben's new phone.

Sadee has started crawling! She is still very vocal and VERY loud. The other day I was in the dressing room, Gali had Sadee laughing so loud. I could hear the ladies next door laughing at them. It was so cute. She is one smart cookie. She tries to put the little Cinderella doll shoes on her feet. She sets the on her big toes. She also just cut two new teeth. We will have a little vampire in the house for awhile, until the middle teeth grow in.

Ben is feeling the challenges of a new role at work. But he is amazing and tries hard to learn and do things right. He just got an new phone and sometimes, I lose to the phone and all its bells and whistles. He just returned from San Jose, CA and I am always glad to have him home.

I just bought my first pair of high heel shoes. They are purple and fabulous! Now I just need to find something to wear with them. I started a boot camp which is kicking my behind and I am realizing that I am getting older. But it is fun and I enjoy the hard work.

The weather is becoming nice and warm here. Spring is coming and my favorite thing about our large yard is all the bulbs that bloom. We have white, yellow, purple and red flowers. Plus the Blue Bonnets all around, the wild flowers in Texas are breathtaking. Y'all should come see them...hint, hint.

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