Monday, October 18, 2010

part b

AH! That was Claire pushing buttons when it wasn't her turn. Now, she's in time out again! Just when I was telling you how wonderful she is!

Matthew has been sick. He had croup a while ago, but when I took him into the doc for his 2 month check up, the doc was concerned because his croupy-ness was still around. We had to take him to get xrays and the doc determined that he has a bronchial infection and he is still concerned because his larynx is still tight. So, his back on lots of meds and hopefully that will end soon. His 2 month check up said that he is growing like a weed! He can already hold his head up and he's a chub!

weight: 13 lbs 13 oz
height: 22 3/4 inches
head: normal (I never pay attention to this one)

Claire weighed 10 lbs at her 2 month check up! Matthew is mellow and wonderful. He smiles and cuddles and we love him.

Claire is back from time out and wanted to share a message:
ghbujh bmlyvuu vh bmjs b h hhhdb mm mgk mhm f fm,ffmmfncnfnc d djh h k ckmb hk mWKkwjjjjjnk .ll,k `O,1, S B

Nick is super busy this week. It's Homecoming and he has had A LOT of responsibility this week for the event. He's worked on the Merlin Olson Statue for about a year, he's had sponsors come out of his ears from all the hard work he does, he is still working closely with an esteemed boss and is always willing and able to help others out.

Well, we love you all.


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