Monday, April 22, 2013

sent by rosi mathews

Hi Everyone,

After a year and a half of planning
and years of dreaming, our Carnegie Hall Experience
Went better than we could ever have ever thought possible.

Carnegie Hall is very beautiful, and the acoustics were incredible.

There were 3 sets of choirs, of about 300 students each.
MV was in the final choir set to sing.

There were 7 tier risers, they were filled so the only room
for mountain view as standing in front of the risers up front. Which
at the end for the finale song put MV right in the middle center stage
of over 1000 student singers.

When we get the archival video of it, you will see what we mean.

There were individual songs from the choirs then their were songs
sung with the combined choirs.

MVHS ended up being the Last Choir to sing on their own before the 
final 2 combined numbers.  Our Con Brio Stood and sang a beautiful
song "Lift Thine Eyes".  They made us very proud.
Then the whole choir stood and sang "Come 
Thou Fount of Every Blessing" - The women sang heavenly and the 
men came in with power - topping it off with the most phenomenal
ending,  Rosemary pulled every ounce of singing power out of every
student, then she pulled out even more to sing the strongest ending 
that we have ever heard out of our choir.  
It was masterful, powerful and spiritually stirring.

Of course the Chaperones could not help ourselves but to give the  
first standing ovation to any choir.  There were some who joined us
as well.

Then Principle Edmans, who has been on tour with us and has 
been a wonderful support and very active with this tour, came out
on stage.  He began to tell the Crowd some wonderful things 
about working with Rosemary and about the lives she has touched,
Trying to hold back the emotions, he told the Nearly sold out 
Carnegie Hall Audience that Rosemary is Retiring next month
and we wanted to thank her.  There was an audible "Ohhh" from
the Crowd.  Rosemary was then presented with a 14 inch tall
beautiful Pure Cristal Trophy, Thanking her for the years of 
service and lives she has touched over the years.

Once presented, Everyone in the house at Carnegie hall gave 
Rosi a Loud and Enthusiastic Standing Ovation.

Like we said it was better than we could have dreamed.
The Choir was perfect, they looked perfect, they sang perfect
and Rosemary was honored with a standing ovation in the 
world's most well know auditorium for the arts.

As we looked onto the stage through our tear filled eyes
Rosi and Principle Edmans walked off the stage.

The plaque is beautiful, and here is what it says:

 "In Honor of Rosemary Mathews for her dedicated
Service to Mountain View High School, May her love
of Music live long in the hearts of her students.

Presented at Carnegie Hall, New York City
April 13, 2013

'Never get Tired, of being something Special' "

We'd like to thank you parents for helping this become 
a Reality.  We'd like to say we love all our Chaperones
and the wonderful help they have given us, And we'd like 
to say thanks to the reason that motivates us so much,
Our Choir students.  Hearing them sing in these great 
places is the fuel for our passion.  We love it.  We would
also like to thank Rosi, for the personal friend she is to all
 of us.  

We will see you soon.

Here is the Flight Information:
Delta Flight #6 Arrives at 7:22pm
Jet Blue Flight #87 Arrives at 10:30
*Sky miles people - Many are coming on Delta Flight #6 Arrives at 10:35


DJ & Sherri Judkins
Tour Maw & Paw

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